
Why I created Typewriter

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TypeWriter Maintainer

Who am I?

Hello there, Minecraft enthusiasts! My name is Gabber235, and for the past 10 years I've been creating Minecraft content. I've made a variety of different projects, from simple tweaks to complex interactions. And while I've always enjoyed creating these projects, I've always found that creating custom player interactions was a pain.

The problem

You see, I love telling stories in Minecraft. Bringing my wildest ideas to life in a virtual world is one of my greatest joys. However, actually creating these stories was a different story 😆. Not only did it require a lot of time and effort, but I also had to be an expert coder to make anything happen.

How does Typewriter help?

With Typewriter, I wanted to provide a tool that was accessible and easy to use, even for those who have no coding experience. I wanted to help reduce the complexity and time required to create custom player interactions, allowing server owners to focus on other aspects of their projects. Letting them create the stories they want to tell, without having to worry about the technical side of things.

There are already a lot of tools out there, why create another one?

Now, I know what you're thinking. "But Gabber, why not just use an existing tool?" Well, I tried. But I always found that existing tools were either too complex, requiring you to navigate way to many YAML files, or not flexible enough, leaving me with untold possibilities. That is why I created Typewriter, a tool that is easy to use, but also flexible enough to be used for a variety of different Minecraft projects, from simple tweaks to complex interactions. With a unique web panel and a powerful API, Typewriter is the perfect tool for creating custom player interactions.

Yes I am sold, but how do I get started?

Well, I'm glad you asked! You can get started by visiting the Documentation. There you can find a variety of different resources, from a Installation Guide to creating your First interaction that will help you get started with Typewriter. You can also find a discord server where you can get help from the community and the developers.