 Warning: Beta Version
版本:Beta ⚠️(未翻译)
难度: Easy


The TypeWriter plugin has some handy commands. Below is a table of these commands:


Some arguments are optional [] and some a required <>.
An entry argument accepts the entry identifier and the entry name.

Command NameDescriptionPermissions
/tw connectConnects you to the typewriter panel.typewriter.connect
/tw clearChatClears the chat for you in the way typewriter does it.typewriter.clearChat
/tw cinematic <start/stop> <pageName> [player]plays the chosen cinematic for a specific player.typewriter.cinematic.start/stop
/tw reloadReloads the plugin.typewriter.reload
/tw facts [player]Gets all the facts of a specific player.typewriter.facts
/tw facts set <factEntry> <value> [player]Sets a fact of a specific playertypewriter.facts.set
/tw facts resetResets all the facts of a specific playertypewriter.facts.reset
/tw trigger <entry> [player]triggers an entry for a specific player.typewriter.trigger
/tw assets cleanClears all assets that are not used.typewriter.assets.clean
/tw fire <entry> [player]trigger a fire trigger event entry.typewriter.fire
/tw manifest inspect [player]Inspect the active manifests of a playertypewriter.manifest.inspect
/tw quest track <questEntry> [player]Start following a quest for a player.typewriter.quest.track
/tw untrack [player]Unfollow the quest of a player.typewriter.quest.untrack
/tw roadNetwork edit <roadNetworkEntry>Edit a roadNetwork.typewriter.roadNetwork.edit