 Warning: Beta Version
版本:Beta ⚠️(未翻译)


The SpeakerEntry is a specialized interface extending the EntityEntry. It is designed to enhance dialogues in the game by associating non-player characters (NPCs) with specific names and sounds. This feature is pivotal for creating more immersive and interactive storytelling experiences in Minecraft.


@Entry("example_speaker", "An example speaker entry.", Colors.BLUE, "ic:round-spatial-audio-off")
class ExampleSpeakerEntry(
override val id: String = "",
override val name: String = "",
override val displayName: Var<String> = ConstVar(""),
override val sound: Sound = Sound.EMPTY,
) : SpeakerEntry

This speaker can be used by users in various dialogues and interactions within the game. You almost never need to access the SpeakerEntry directly, as it is automatically handled by the DialogueSequence.