 Warning: Beta Version
版本:Beta ⚠️(未翻译)


Entries can expose a placeholder. The placeholders can be used by users or other plugins with the PlaceholderAPI.


Placeholder is an additional interface for an existing entry. It cannot be used on its own.

Basic Usage

To just expose a single placeholder, extend your entry with PlaceholderEntry:

class SimpleExamplePlaceholderEntry(
override val id: String,
override val name: String,
) : PlaceholderEntry {
override fun parser(): PlaceholderParser = placeholderParser {
supply { player ->
"Hello, ${player?.name ?: "World"}!"

This placeholder can be used with %typewriter_<entry id>% and will return Hello <player name>!

Sub Placeholders

Besides just having a primary placeholder, entries can also have sub placeholders. These can be literal strings which needs to be matched:

    override fun parser(): PlaceholderParser = placeholderParser {
literal("greet") {
literal("enthusiastic") {
supply { player ->
"HEY HOW IS YOUR DAY, ${player?.name ?: "World"}!"
supply { player ->
"Hello, ${player?.name ?: "World"}"
supply {
"Standard text"

Where the placeholder can be used in the following ways:

%typewriter_<entry id>%Standard text
%typewriter_<entry id>:greet%Hello, <player name>!
%typewriter_<entry id>:greet:enthusiastic%HEY HOW IS YOUR DAY, <player name>!

But is can also have variables:

    override fun parser(): PlaceholderParser = placeholderParser {
string("name") { name ->
supply {
"Hello, ${name()}!"

Where the placeholder can be used in the following ways:

%typewriter_<entry id>%%typewriter_<entry id>%
%typewriter_<entry id>:bob%Hello, bob!
%typewriter_<entry id>:alice%Hello, alice!

Notice how the default placeholder no longer works, because we don't have a supplier for it anymore.