The AudienceFilterEntry
is a specialized version of AudienceEntry
designed to filter audience members based on specific criteria.
It accepts a list of children that can include both AudienceEntry
and AudienceFilterEntry
Basic Usage
Static Filtering
Here's an example of a filter that only allows players whose names start with 'g':
class ExampleAudienceFilter(
ref: Ref<out AudienceFilterEntry>
) : AudienceFilter(ref) {
override fun filter(player: Player): Boolean {
This filter is static because player names cannot be changed while on the server. Players are either filtered at the start or not at all.
Dynamic Filtering
For more dynamic filtering, you can filter based on changing player attributes, such as health:
class HealthAudienceFilter(
ref: Ref<out AudienceFilterEntry>,
private val healthRange: ClosedFloatingPointRange<Float> = 0f..20f
) : AudienceFilter(ref), TickableDisplay {
override fun filter(player: Player): Boolean {
return in healthRange
// You can refresh the filters on events
fun healthRegent(event: EntityRegainHealthEvent) {
val player = event.entity as? Player ?: return
// Reruns the filter
// Or if you know the player should be filtered, you can update the filter directly
player.updateFilter(isFiltered = event.amount in healthRange)
// It is also possible to run the filter every tick
override fun tick() {
// Refresh the filter for all considered players
consideredPlayers.forEach { it.refresh() }
This example filters players based on their health value, which is provided as a parameter from the entry.
Like AudienceDisplay
, we can use both Bukkit events and TickableDisplay
to update which players pass through the filter.
Invertible Filters
Sometimes you may want to invert a filter's behavior. This is particularly useful when the opposite condition would be complex to define explicitly, such as filtering all players that are not in a specific world:
@Entry("inverted_example_audience_filter", "An example audience filter.", Colors.MYRTLE_GREEN, "material-symbols:filter-alt")
class InvertedExampleAudienceFilterEntry(
override val id: String = "",
override val name: String = "",
override val children: List<Ref<out AudienceEntry>> = emptyList(),
override val inverted: Boolean = true,
) : AudienceFilterEntry, Invertible {
override fun display(): AudienceFilter = ExampleAudienceFilter(ref())
Simply implementing the Invertible
interface enables this functionality in Typewriter.