 Warning: Beta Version
版本:Beta ⚠️(未翻译)

Entity Adapter

The Entity Adapter contains all the essential entries working with entities. It allows you to create dynamic entities such as NPC's or Holograms.

In most cases, it should be installed with Typewriter. If you haven't installed Typewriter or the adapter yet, please follow the Installation Guide first.



Audience ActivitySelect activity based on the audience a player is in
Game Time ActivityA game time activity
In Dialogue ActivityAn in dialogue activity
Look Close ActivityA look close activity
Path ActivityMoving along a predefined path
Patrol ActivityMoving around a set of locations
Player Close By ActivityA player close by activity
Random Look ActivityA random look activity
Target Location ActivityA location activity
Timed ActivityAllows child activities for a limited amount of time
Trigger ActivityTriggers a sequence when the activity active or inactive


Direct Entity Instance Path StreamA Path Stream to a Direct Entity Instance


Entity CinematicUse an animated entity in a cinematic


Ageable DataAn ageable data
Arrow Count DataThe amount of arrows in a entity
Cat Variant DataThe variant of a cat.
Chested Horse Chest DataIf the horse has a chest.
Collar Color DataThe color of the cat's or wolfs collar
Custom Name DataThe custom name of the entity
Dancing DataWhether an entity is dancing
Glowing Effect DataIf the entity is glowing
Horse Variant DataThe variant of the horse.
Llama Carpet Color DataThe color of the llama's carpet.
Llama Variant DataThe variant of the Llama.
Marker DataWhether the entity is a marker
On Fire DataIf the entity is on fire
Parrot Color DataThe color of the parrot
Pose DataThe pose of the entity
Potion Effect Color DataThe color of the potion effect particles
Puff State DataState of the Puf entity
Rabbit Type DataThe type of the rabbit
Saddled DataIf the entity has a saddle.
Size DataSize of the entity
Skin DataSkin data for players
Small DataWhether the entity is small
Villager DataA villager data


Allay InstanceAn instance of a allay entity
Cat InstanceAn instance of a cat entity
Chicken InstanceAn instance of a chicken entity
Cow InstanceAn instance of a cow entity
Enderman InstanceAn instance of a enderman entity
Frog InstanceAn instance of a frog entity
Hit Box DefinitionA hit box for an entity to allow interaction with a different entity
Hoglin InstanceAn instance of a hoglin entity
Husk InstanceAn instance of a husk entity
Interaction Indicator DefinitionInteraction Indicator
Iron Golem InstanceAn instance of an iron golem entity
Item Display InstanceAn instance of an item display entity
Magma Cube InstanceAn instance of a magma cube entity
Named Entity DefinitionAn entity with a name above it's head and the indicator
Npc InstanceAn instance of a simplified premade npc
Piglin Brute InstanceAn instance of a piglin brute entity
Piglin InstanceAn instance of a piglin entity
Player InstanceAn instance of a player entity
Self Npc DefinitionThe definition of the self NPC
Skeleton InstanceAn instance of a skeleton entity
Slime InstanceAn instance of a slime entity
Stacked Entity DefinitionA stacking of entities
Text Display InstanceAn instance of a text display entity
Villager InstanceAn instance of a villager entity
Warden InstanceAn instance of a warden entity
Witch InstanceAn instance of a witch entity
Zombie InstanceAn instance of a zombie entity


Entity Interact EventWhen the player clicks on an entity


Group Advanced Entity InstanceAn advanced instance of an entity
Individual Advanced Entity InstanceAn advanced instance of an entity
Shared Advanced Entity InstanceAn advanced instance of an entity


Interact Entity ObjectiveInteract with an entity
Interact Entity Objectives Path StreamA Path Stream to Interact Entity Objectives